FOCUS less on the search and more ON THE BEST RESPONSE
Problem: Human-intensive imaging systems require highly trained and alert observers who are tasked with locating small objects of interest in vast and challenging environments. This manual method of airborne searching can be inefficient, ineffective, labor-intensive, and time consuming.
Solution: Overwatch Imaging develops software-forward airborne imaging solutions that leverage cutting-edge technologies in computer vision, GPU processing, Artificial Intelligence, and sensor fusion to automate critical tasks of sensor operation and data processing, interpretation, and delivery for wide-area search, ISR, and mapping missions.

Multispectral aerial imaging systems and AI software are designed to autonomously scan and map wide areas, find objects of interest, and deliver actionable intelligence as quickly and effectively as possible
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Application Examples:
Real-Time Data Delivered When You Need it Most
Mapping cameras with onboard storage but no real-time operating environment force users to wait until after flights have concluded to work with the data.
Overwatch Imaging systems analyze full-resolution imagery in real-time, which enables immediate checks of coverage and quality while the aircraft is still in the area of interest and data delivery during flights, or much faster afterwards.
Our systems only transmit the data required or desired by real-time operators, allowing timely intelligence even in areas with poor or no communications infrastructure (e.g. large wildlands where wildfires burn, the open ocean or stretches of railway between cities).
This means reporting points of interest in map-format KML or shape files, cross-cueing other sensors for additional inspection, providing image chips or full-resolution raw images for in-flight download, and generating synthetic false-colored images in real time to highlight interesting content.